“Dome Battle”
2 pgs. Appeared first time in foreign prints (see German, Italy, and Spain). Reprinted (the original version) [COLOR] in Den[III] #5 (1989), [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special, Vol. 9, #2: Havoc (1995).
Story/Art/Color(colored by overlays): Richard Corben (no signature, © 1983). Lettered by hand (Corben).
France [FRA]: as “Dome Battle [FRA]” in US Magazine [II] #30, and Créatures de crève (1989).
Germany [GER]: as “Einen sieger gibt’s immer” in Der Dämon im Cockpit (1985) and Epic [GER] #12 (1985).
Italy [ITA]: as “La battaglia della cupola” in L’Eternauta #49 (1986).
Spain [SPA]: as “La batalla de la cúpula” in Zona 84 #2, Richard Corben obras completas #12 (1992).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Kupolslaget” in Bild och Bubblas Stora Seriebok (1989).
Yugoslavia [YUG]: as “Bitka patuljaka”, [COLOR] in Stripoteka #862 (1985) (the original version).
Style:Black line with colors. Genre: Fantasy. Time Span: Imaginary. Nudity: Full frontal nudity.
Keywords: Fight for life. Winged monsters. Island. Bugs.
Synopsis: Ape-man is saving voluptuous girl from claws of winged monsters.
Comment: Corben’s own story is made for possible men’s magazine, but was never sold though. How the revisited version differs from the reprinted original version, is that Corben makes kind of bra- and pantie-tattoo on a girl. Coverings are visibly fake, but they cover not much. Corben’s art is painted very good; he is focused wisely on bodies. Girl’s last quote, “Let me lick your wounds -” “- and other stuff!” is shortened as “Let me lick your wounds -“.

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 23, 2000. Last updated: July 6, 2019 at 21:44 pm