The Spectre: “A Missing Life”
11 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Solo #2 (2004).
Story: John Arcudi. Art: Richard Corben (no signature, © 2003). Color: Dave Stewart. Lettering: printed (Jack Morelli).
France [FRA]: as Le Spectre: “Une vie manquée”, in Solo [FRA] #2 (2005).
Italy [ITA]: as Lo Spettro: “Una Vita Mancante”, in Solo [ITA] #1 (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as El espectro: “La desaparecida”, in Solo [SPA] #2 (2005), and as El Espectro: “Una vida extraviada”, [COLOR] in Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben (2015).
Style: Black line, almost posterize full Colors. Genre: Crime/SF. Time Span: Present. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Missing Person. Detective. Ghosts. Hounting. Superhero. Passing Through.
Synopsis: A detective with a special, unnatural gift works with lost souls. On both sides.
Comment: Fresh story with genre blending knocking the border of cornyness, but survives excellent. Story fakes nowhere. The feeling of the story is close to John Constantine story “Hard Time”, though now we are much more on the unnatural side.
Special: The cover art for the story appeared in The Spectre #54 (1997). The story itself was dated to be done in 2003!
Scanned from Spanish print. Apparently similar with the original English print.

Copyright © 2006 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: January 12, 2005. Last updated: July 18, 2020 at 14:31 pm