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Vic and Blood

“Vic and Blood”

Vic and Blood

Pages 1 and 13.

12+19+18[-1]+13 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Vic and Blood #1 (1987) to #2 (1988). Reprinted [COLOR] in Vic and Blood [TB] (1989), [COLOR] in Vic and Blood [TB-2nd] (2003).
Story: Harlan Ellison. Art: Richard Corben (signed as Corb). Color: NBM. Lettering: Diane Valentino. Logo (in the first comic book version): Diane Valentino & Kevin Nowlan. Editor (in the first comic book version): Jan Strnad.

Germany [GER]: as “Vic und Blood [GER]: Die Geschichte eines Jungen und seines Hundes”, as one [COLOR] in Vic und Blood [GER]: Die Geschichte eines Jungen und seines Hundes (1988).
France [FRA]: as “Vic & Blood [FRA]”, a [B&W] 5 part series in USA magazine [II] #37 (1988) to #41/42 (1989), and as one [COLOR] in Vic & Blood [FRA] (1989).
Italy [ITA]: as “Vic & Blood [ITA]”, a [COLOR] 4 part series in L’Eternauta #77 to #80 (1989), and as one [B&W] in La nuova mongolfiera #34: Vic & Blood [ITA] (1991).
Spain [SPA]: as “Vic & Blood [SPA]”, a [B&W] 2 part series in Vic & Blood [SPA] #1 to #2 (1989), and as one [B&W] in Super Vic & Blood [SPA] (1989), and as “Rastrero” / “Un muchacho y su perro” / “Corre pequeño corre”, as one [COLOR] in Cimoc extra color #72: Vic & Blood [SPA] [TB] (1990).

Style: Black line / Full color. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: One scene with nude girl.
Keywords: Holocaust. Companion. Telepathy. Hide-away. Zombies. Girls. Spiders. Ghosts.
Original Art Plate: 30,5 x 40,6 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Story Origin: The entire comics story adaptation covers all three parts of novel (“Blood’s a Rover”) Harlan Ellison has said he would write about Vic and Blood: “Eggsucker” (first time published in 1977, reprinted also in Vic and Blood [TB-2nd] (2003)), “A Boy and his Dog” (April 1969, reprinted also in Vic and Blood [TB-2nd] (2003)) and “Run, Spot, Run” (Jan. 1981, excerpt reprinted also in Vic and Blood [TB-2nd] (2003)).
Synopsis: After holocaust people try to survive. Dogs’ got an ability to communicate with men by telepahty. Females rare spieces. Some people live underneath. Zombies the most scared beings.
Comics Origin: Richard Corben started drawing the beginning in February 1973. Harlan Ellison was famous for stretching the decisions to go on with the stories. [Read more Infinity #5 (1973), the interview by Jan Strnad].
Comment: Classical Harlan story with a brilliant Corben artwork. Tradeback version colored badly by NBM. Background info (what happened before the beginning of the story) in the first B&W and Tradeback versions says, “World War III lasted from 25 June 1950 — to January 1993” and “World War IV broke out on American Independence Day, 4 July 1995”. But the 2nd Tradeback version’s got three different segments for WWIII; the first one was as mentioned above, WWIII.2 “began either in 1987 — or December of 1994” and WWIII.3 “began on 11 September 2001 — lasted till two weeks after Ramadan in the year 2021”, and WWIV “broke out on the 215th anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe – 19 January 2024”. In all versions WWIV lasted for 5 days.
Alternatives: The first page of comic book version #2 tells shortly what happened in prev. part. This page does not exist in the full lenght versions (extra art on it!).
Special: The front cover of the first Tradeback a collage of separate bits and pieces from the original story! Partly redrawn. The collage and coloring made by Mark Wheatley.
Movie: See also a movie version of the same story, A Boy and his Dog (1975). Incl. link to the net movie.

Scanned from Spanish print. Apparently similar with the original English print.

Vic and Blood, SPA, Part 1, 12 pgs
Vic and Blood, SPA, Part 2, 19 pgs
Vic and Blood, SPA, Part 3, 18 pgs
Vic and Blood, SPA, Part 4, 13 pgs

Copyright © 2006 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 13, 2006. Last updated: February 7, 2021 at 19:28 pm
