Sagard the Barbarian Gamebook:
- #1: The Ice Dragon
- #2: Green Hydra
San Francisco Phoenix vol. 1 #17 
(?) May 3, 1973. [ober].
Richard Corben mentioned in article by Tom Veitch on Comix.


(Transl. “Comics”). By Heikki Kaukoranta and Jukka Kemppinen. Otava, Finland. In Finnish.
1) 1st: 1972. About 100 pgs shorter (2nd has a 10 years extension in the end).
2) 2nd (extented print): 1982. 336[+4] pgs. Hard Bound. [id].
Pg 225: Richard Corben mentioned as part of article: Métal Hurlant artists, Philip Druillet, Moebius and Richard Corben, does baroque, too much talent to create a clear work (well, writers prefer early comics…) [the point in shortly].
Pg 226: B&W excerpt (size of 1/4) from the story “Den [I]” (pg 21), taken from Métal Hurlant (1976). Caption: “schoolary of Métal Hurlant: extremely talented art, but…”.
Pg 270: Richard Corben mentioned as part of article: Finnish Vampirella printed the best of Warren artists, like Richard Corben.
Pg 302: Richard Corben mentionedin a list of publishers under Les humanoïdes associés.
Pg 305: Richard Corben mentionedin a list of magazines under Heavy Metal.
Pg 311: Richard Corben mentionedin a list of books under Garriock, P.R., Masters of comic book art (1978).
Savage Sword of Conan #4 
Feb. 1975. Magazine Management Co. 84 pgs. B&W. [id].
Some picts also in Spanish La Espada Salvaje de Conan #12 (1983,1990) and in Italian Conan La Spada Selvaggia #53 (1991).
Inside Front Cover (pg 2): “From the Darkness Oozed…” [Golden Age #7 (1971)].
Pg 54: “His Outflung Hand Struck…” [FiF, pg 93, Golden Age #7 (1971)].
Pg 55: “The Whole Sky Leaped into Icy Fire” [Golden Age #7 (1971)].
Pg 56: “A gorilla with Wings” [Golden Age #7 (1971)].
Savage Sword of Conan #16 
Dec. 1976. Magazine Management Co. 76 pgs. B&W. [id].
Pict also in Spanish La Espada Salvaje de Conan #12 (1983,1990) and in Italian Conan La Spada Selvaggia #53 (1991).
Pg 38: “Curse of the Monolith” [FiF, pg 95, Golden Age #7 (1971)]
Savage Sword of Conan #29 
May 1978. Magazine Management Co. 68 pgs. B&W. [id].
Pg 37: “Jewels of Gwahlur” [Golden Age #7 (1971)]
Scarce #38

(?) 1993. Le journal au goût américain. Hiver. 50F. Trimestral. ISSN 0757-4967. In French. [fgeorge].
Article about Richard Corben by Frédéric George and Georges Simonian. Includes a bibliography.
Science Fiction Book Club flyers
The Scientists Revolt and Beware 
1st: 2008. Lohae Press. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. [otten].
Cover Art: “Donovan” [Burroughs Bulletin #39 (1974)]
2nd: Feb. 27, 2009. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Under name, Beware! The Scientists Revolt. No Corben cover.
“Written in 1922 and untold until 1939 when it became THE SCIENTISTS REVOLT, severely altered from its original form, BEWARE remained unpublished in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ lifetime. Until now the two versions of this story had never appeared in book form and had previously only been reprinted in fan publications.”
Scorpion Swamp [NOT CORBEN!]
- Fighting Fantasy Gamebook #8 [NOT CORBEN!]
Pay attention, there was an error on this piece. It’s got R. Courtney’s cover, not Richard Corben’s. You can find Richard Corben’s covers from Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks #1 to #7 (American print only).
Screw, The Sex Review #108 
March 29, 1971. Jim Buckley & Al Goldstein’s tabloid newspaper. [ebay].
Richard Corben included.
Seachers After Horror 
June 2014. Edited By S.T. Joshi. 21 short stories: Caitlin Kiernan, Donald Tyson, Ramsey Campbell, W.H. Pugmire… [net].
Cover Art: “Searchers After Horror”
Second Volume Album Cover Album 
(?) 1989. Roger Dean and David Howells Paperback and Hard Bound. 12″x12″. Paper Tiger. [ober].
Pg 97: “Bat Out of Hell”
Sex in Science Fiction 
(?) 1978. By Harry Harrison. Warren Publishing. [ober].
Sex in the Comics 
1985. By Maurice Horn. 215 pgs. Chelsea House Publishers, NY. [ober].
Pg 86: excerpted panels, “Horrible Harvey’s House”
Pg 87: comment on “Dumb Story”
Pg 104: single page, “Den 2: Muvovum”. Color.
Pg 112: single page, “Mutant World”. Color.
Pg 122: comment on “Rowlf”
Pg 124: single page, “Rowlf”
Pg 125: continued comment on “Rowlf”, and on “Den”
Pg 128: single page, “How Howie Made It In The Real World”
Pg 129: single panel, “How Howie Made It In The Real World”, comment on “Bloodstar”
Pg 132: continued comment on “Bloodstar”, and on “Beast of Wolfton”
Pg 155: reference to “Lame Lem’s Love”
Pg 174: single page, “Rowlf”
SF Star – das fantastische magazine #8

Aug. 1983. Innovation Design. DM 6,00. [otten].
Pgs 68-73: Sex, Tod und Gewalt, by Christian Hellmann.
Pg 68: Photo of Richard Corben. Color.
Pg 68: “Worship”. Color.
Pg 69: An excerpt from “Flys”.
Pg 70: An excerpt from “Horrible Harvey’s House”. B&W.
Pg 71: An excerpt from “The Beast of Wolfton”. Duotone (with orange).
Pg 72: An excerpt from “Den [I]. Color.
Pg 71-72: “Machola Seeks a Remembrance”. B&W.
Pg 72: “Den and Kath in Gateway”. Color.
A shadow crossed me: A Jungian approach to Richard Corben’s Neverwhere
By Douglas Arthur Roberts. An abstract of a thesis in English education. Buffalo State Collage, New York, US. May 2011. [id]
Shadow on the Sand 
By Joe Dever & Gary Chalk. Lone Wolf Gamebook #5. Paperback. The American edition: Berkley/Pacer (the British edition: 1985). US$3.50. [demian,ober].
The cover of the British original edition not by Richard Corben. Interior illustrations by Gary Chalk. [Demian’s Gamebook Web Page].
Cover Art: “Air Battle”
Shayol #3 
Summer 1979. Flight Unlimited Inc. Kansas City KS. [ober,isfdb].
Pgs 30-31: “Ytgna and Ammora”
Shayol #4 
(?) Winter 1980. Flight Unlimited Inc. Kansas City KS. [ober,isfdb].
A letter or an essey.
Pgs 30-31: “Ytgna and Ammora” (?)
Shayol #5 
Winter 1981. Flight Unlimited Inc. Kansas City KS. [barrett,isfdb].
Pgs 24-25: “Trumpet” with text, “PORTFOLIO FANTASY HEROIC & OTHERWISE”
Shayol #6 
Winter 1982. Flight Unlimited Inc. [ober,ebay].
Incl. mini-bio of Richard Corben.
Pg 13: “Razar Leads His Horse” [Mirkwood Times #4 (1973)]
Shell Shock #1 
Dec. 1989. Re: Dec. 2, 2012. 222 pgs. Mirage Studios, Haydenville MA. [ober].
Pgs 182-185: “You Had To Be There”
A Short Robert E. Howard Biography 
(?) Rusty Burke. Paperback. 64 pgs. [ober].
Richard Corben included.
Showcase #2 
(?) 1975. Ed Savage. Spring. [ober].
Center page (?).
Si, Una agència artística a Barcelona

1981. Toutain Editor. In Catalan (incl. also transl. in Spanish). [xomcblog].
Others: Vicenç Badalona Ballestar, Beà, Bermejo, Bosch, Richard Courtney, Domingo, Enrich, Fernando Fernández, Pepe Gonzalez, Jad, Longaron, Martí Ripoll, Marigot, Miralles, Nazario, Penalva, Pujolar Serrabona, Sola, Soro.
Cover Art: “Si”
One small pict (“Den and Kath Fly”) among other artist’s picts.
1 pict (1/4 page): “The Slave Girl “
1 pict (1/4 page): “Den and Kath Fly”
1 pict (1/4 page): “Neverwhere [European]”
1 pict (1/4 page): “Retard”
All four 1/4 page picts on same page.
1 pict (a pager): “Planet Busters”
1 pict (1/4 page): “Robots Gang up“
Sin palabras #6: Richard Corben (Un rebelde tranquilo)

[Transl. “Without Words #6: Richard Corben (A Quiet Rebel)”].
(Pict aside, © Editiones sins entido, all rights reserved. Used with permission.)
2004. By Agustin Oliver. Editiones sins entido. 6-1/2″x7-1/10″x3/10″. 80[+4] pgs. Black and blue covers. B&W. In Spanish. [id].
Articles: El solitario, El cielo de Missouri, Ideales de papel, A ras de suelo, Mundos propios, La autoedición, Con los grandes, Papeles consultantes (main full feature stories according printing year, short filmography, shot bibliography).
Cover Art: “Richard Corben (Un rebelde tranquilo)”
Picts: almost every other page with picts, in total 31 B&W pict pages!
Modest size wraps up a fine collection of interesting articles.
An article book serial of well known comic book industry characters. Other books: Gir/Moebius, Hal Foster, Alan Moore, Vázquez, Conan, Spider-Man, Tezuka, Vértigo, Chris Ware, Bilal, Warren Publishing.
Slaughterhouse Magazine I, 2 
1989. HCS Assoc. [ober].
Pgs 59-61: Interview by Cleaver.
The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide 
1997. A Critical Assessmntf over 2,500 Tittles. Aurum Press. Paperback. Editor Frank Plowright. [håkan].
Pgs 15, 53, 104, 112, 119, 127-128, 157, 185-186, 202, 225, 262, 274, 371, 396, 409, 424, 462, 467, 506, 509, 512, 582, 604, 617, 622, 624: Richard Corben mentions, including entries on Den, Fantagor, From the Pit, Rip in Time, Rowlf, Son of Mutant World, and Vic and Blood.
Snarf #12 
June 1989. Kitchen Sink Pess, Inc. 32 pages. Cover: glossy color. Guts: newsprint. [hm pin-up,ober].
Cover Art: “Snarf Man” (CI-card #13)
#2: 1987. According some of Internet info this underground comics book was printed by Fantagor Press, but that is incorrect info. Comics was published by Fantaco Enterprises. Nothing to do with Mr. Corben.
Sotheby’s Comic Books and Comic Art 2000 
2002. Sotheby’s. Paperback. 8″x11″. $32. 152 pages. Color. [wbp,ed,parissi].
410 images of original newspaper strips, comic books, drawings, paintings and rare collectibles. Never-before published sketches and comic book pages.
1 pict: “The Princess and the Frog Hippie”. Item #244 (Richard Corben – Original Artwork for Three Panels. Pen and ink on paper. Three panels on separate papers. 8-1/2″ x 11″, i.e. 21.6×27.9 cm. $1,000-1,500).
Others: Joe Kubert, Charles Schulz, Bob Kane, Mort Walker, Vaughn Bodé, Joe Simon, Walt Kelly, Chester Gould, Bernie Wrightson, Frank Frazetta, Harvey Kurtzman, The Brothers Hildebrandt, Jack Davis.
Space-Con 4 
1977. Program book. 1977 Star Trek/Sci-Fi convention in California. Program put together by John McLaughlin, published by con chairman Terry Terman. [ecm].
Pg 38 (1 page pict): “Alien with Human Captives”
Nov. 1978. By Doris Piserchia. Hard Bound.
1) DAW Books, Inc. [ober].
2) Nelson Doubleday SFBC. $1.98. 245 pgs. [ober,isfdb].
Wraparound (?) Cover Art: “Spaceling”
Space Opera 
[ober].Cover Art: “Lizardman and Crows”
The Space Prodigal 
Aug. 1981. By Carl Sherrell. Paperback. Dell. $2.95. 512 pgs. [ober,isfdb].
Cover Art: “Space Prodigal” (FiF, pg 171)
Spawn of the Old Ones #1 
1998. 80 pgs. $5.25. By Scott H. C. Fischer. [ober,epberglund.com].
List of artists, editors, and writers active in the Lovecraftian field, and where to find their works. At least 3 issues were printed in 1998-1999.
Richard Corben included.
Spazz #16 
1995. Culver City CA. [ober].
Pgs 10-11: Richard Corben. Interview by Lou Randon.
Special Effects Magazine #7
The Spectre #54 
June 1997. DC Vertigo. [ober].
Cover Art: “The Spectre”
The cover story appeared later in DC’s Solo #2 (2004), as “A Missing Life”.
Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art #1 
(?) [ober].
Richard Corben included.
SPFX Special Effects Magazine #7 
1998. SPFX Publications. [ober,id].
Interview with Artist/Filmmaker Richard Corben by Ted A. Bohus.
Pg 24: “Treed by Triceratops”. Color.
Pg 26: “Den Fights the Queen”. Color. Full pager.
Pg 27: A photo of Richard Corben working. B&W.
Pg 27: “Treed by Triceratops”. Cover of Eerie. B&W.
Pg 27: An excerpt of Jeremy Brood and Den II, “Den”.
Pg 28: An excerpt of Den II, “Darmite”. B&W.
Pg 28: “For the Love of a Daemon”. Cover of Fantagor. B&W.
Pg 29: “Boris Karloff”. Cover of Parts. B&W.
Pg 29: “The Beast of Wolfton”. Cover of Grim Wit. B&W.
Pg 29: “A World Peace Treaty…”. Cover of Slow Death. B&W.
Pg 29: An excerpt from “Mangle the Robot Mangler”.
Pg 29: A fade pict of “Den and Kath on Knees” behind the text. B&W.
Pg 29: A cover of Metal Hurlant #3 by Solé (not by Richard Corben!). B&W.
1989. Sony. Video. [ober].
Cover Art: “Spookies” (art1, pg 41)
Movie one-sheet, too.
The Stan Lee Universe 
Sept. 2011. By Danny Fingeroth, Roy Thomas. Two Morrows.
Softcover: 176 pgs. $26.95.
Hard Bound: 192 pgs. $39.95. [net].
The correspondence between Richard Corben and Stan Lee printed in the book (starting from pg 119).
Strangers #3 
2021 (?). Strangers fanzine. [website]
Star Fantasy

In German. [plogg].
Cover says, “Mit Beträgen von Corben, Druillet, Moebius”, and “Neue große Story: Die Gesichten der 1002. Nacht”. That is “With help of Corben, Druillet, Moebius”, and “New big story: 1002nd [!] Arabian Nights”. The front cover art is from Heavy Metal, Oct. 1977 (not by Richard Corben).
Starship Traveller 
April 1984. By Steve Jackson (UK). Fighting Fantasy Gamebook #4. The American edition: Dell. US$1.95. [demian,ober].
The cover of the British original edition not by Richard Corben. Interior illustrations by Peter Andrew Jones. [Demian’s Gamebook Web Page].
Cover Art: “Silver Spacers”
The STreet Enterprises Benefit Portfolio 
1975. Street Enterprises. 11″x17″. Print run of 2000. Editors Jerry Sinkovec and Mike Tiefenbacher. [ober,stu,ebay].
Pg 35: “Flesh Eater” (© 1971, from the collection of Joel Thingval)
Suddenly 50 Years Later. DC History 
1985. DC. [scheiman].
Pg 2: Richard Corben tribute to DC.
Sword & Fantasy
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: May 17, 2002. Last updated: July 5, 2023 at 11:48 am