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Nuits blêmes [FRA]

Translated Corben in France

(in French)

Nuits blêmes

1st: Jan. 1979. 2nd: 1983. Du Triton. 48+4 pgs. [id,bob,cauchi,wbed] Similar print with Danish Stjerne-serien #2: Judas [DK] (1979), except here is no “Going Home”, but “Bowser” instead (pay attention pict on pg 1!). Also cover art is different and additional pict on pg 3.

“His Master’s Voice”
Front Cover Art r[Anomaly #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Cousin Eerie”
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. B&W.

“Digging the Master’s Grave” (excerpt from “Going Home”)
1 pict: pg 1. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Contents Page”
1 pict: pg 3. a/r[Promethean Enterprises #3 aka @#*!!! (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.

Back Cover

“Haut en bas”
Original story: “Top to Bottom”
8 pgs: pgs 4-11. s/a/c/r[Vampirella #33 (1974)]-Richard Corben. Color.

“Judas [FRA]”
Original story: “Judas”
8 pgs: pgs 12-19. s-Richard Margopoulos, a/c/r[Creepy #62 (1975)]-Richard Corben. Color.

“L’attaque du Hilton-Saturne”
Original story: “Unprovoked Attack on a Hilton Hotel”
8 pgs: pgs 20-27. s/a/r[Creepy #73 (1975)]-Richard Corben. B&W.

“Tu es une grande fille maintenant”
Original story: “You’re a Big Girl Now”
12 pgs: pgs 28-39. s/a/c/r[Eerie #81 (1977)]-Richard Corben. Color (B&W on pgs 28, 37-39).
Prob. the most original story; this version was never published in English. 

“Médor [VERS.1]“
Original story: “Bowser”
8 pgs: pgs 40-48. s/a/c/r[Vampirella #54 (1976)]-Richard Corben. Color.

Copyright © 2000, 2020 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 3, 2020. Last updated: September 4, 2020 at 19:57 pm
