“Lame Lem’s Love”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Skull Comics #2 (1970). Reprinted [B&W] in Cozmic Comics #1 (1972), [COLOR] in Richard Corben’s Funny Book (1976), [B&W] in Horror in the Dark #1 (1991) and [COLOR] in Richard Corben Complete Works #2 (1986).
Story/Art: Richard Corben (signed as Gore, 1970). Color: Herb Arnold. Lettered by hand (Corben).
France [FRA]: as “Le bonheur de Benoît Boiteux” in Ogre (1979).
Germany [GER]: as “Der Dämon im Cockpit” in Der Dämon im Cockpit (1985).
Italy [ITA]: as “L’amore di Lame Lem” in [B&W] in L’Eternauta #112 (1992).
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Laame Lems Liefde” in [COLOR] in Stripschrift #167 (1983).
Spain [SPA]: as “El amor del cojo Lem”, in [B&W] in Comix Underground USA #2 (1974) [VERS.2], in [B&W] in Creepy [SPA] #0 (1979) [VERS.1] and in [COLOR] in Richard Corben obras completas #5 (1985).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Halte Hams hustru” in Epix #9 (1/85).
Style: B&W zipatone (?) / Color with black line. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: Full frontal.
Keywords: Love. Sex. Marriage. Freak. Mass murderer. Revenge. Gurggy Tate.
Synopsis: Freaky, simple guy is fell in love with voluptuous girl, who does not want him. Instead she likes to be in bed with other men; so guy desides to solve a problem with axe.
Comment: Very interesting his own story and artwork. If the original was B&W, who colored it later?
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Additional bra and panties.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: September 13, 1997. Modified: June 29, 2019.