DenSaga Epilogue #3: “Mola the Mole”
4 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Heavy Metal #145 (1993). Reprinted [COLOR] in DenSaga #3 (1993).
Story/Color/Art: Richard Corben (printed sign © 1993 Richard Corben). Lettering: printed (Corben).
France [FRA]: as “Mola la taupe” in Den: La quête Tome 2.
Germany [GER]: as “Mola die Maulwurfin” in Die phantastische Welt des Richard Corben #11 (1994).
Spain [SPA]: as “Den Saga 2 – Mola la topo” in Top cómics #8.
Style: Full color. Genre: Fantasy. Time Span: Ancient fantasy. Nudity: Full frontal nudity, both males and females.
Keywords: Prison. Moling. Lizard.
Synopsis: Bog gets company, Mola a voluptuous moling girl. There is not much help of her.
Comment: Story of his own is okay, but color artwork is brilliant, specially Mola and some hidden masculine parts of Bog.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: September 7, 1997. Modified: April 7, 2017.