“Twilight of the Dogs”
10 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Fantagor #1 (1970). Reprinted [B&W]/[COLOR] in [London] Oz #42 (1972) [VERS.2], [B&W] in Richard Corben’s Funny Book (1976), [B&W] in Gasm #4 (1978) [VERS.3], [B&W] in Richard Corben Complete Works #1 (1985) and [B&W] in Son of Mutant World #3 (1990).
Story and Art: Richard Corben (signed as Richard Corben, 1970). Lettered by hand (Corben).
Denmark [DK]: as “På gale veje” in Karat-serien #3 (1977).
France [FRA]: as “Le crépuscules des chiens” in Horrilor (1977) and L’Echo des savanes spécial U.S.A. #18 (1980).
Germany [GER]: as “Twilight of the Dogs [GER]” in U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #7 (198?), and as “Köterdämmerung” in Schwermetall #40 (1983) and Schwermetall, Sammelband #10.
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Onkruid vergaat…” in Richard Corben #1 [NL]: Elf Gruwelijke Verhalen (1980).
Spain [SPA]: as “El ocaso de los perros” in Star #20 (1976) [VERS.4], Corben o la ternura del monstruo (1979), and Richard Corben obras completas #3 (1983) , as “El crepúsculo de los perros” in Ilustracion+Comix Internacional #22 (1982) and Rip, tiempo atrás #2 (1987), and as “El crepúsculo de los perros” in Ilustracion+Comix Internacional #22 (1982) and Rip, tiempo atrás #2 (1987).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Hundarnas skymning” in Pox Special #15 (7/86).
Yugoslavia [YUG]: as “Poslednji slobodnjak”, [B&W] in Stripoteka #797 (1984).
Style: B&W zipatone. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: Full frontal girls.
Keywords: Aliens. Slaving Earth. Last rebellions. Dogs.
Synopsis: Group of last humans tries to fight against aliens, who destroy human technology and made people their slaves.
Comment: Mostly beautiful (almost non zipatoned) B&W artwork. His own story is quite comon SF. Slaves as a dogs, men and women, are nude.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Page run of 5-1/2! First (and last half) page in color (by a rough mask separation). Frames reordered to fit more per one page. Page 1: 8 frames (frames 5 & 6 in reversed order); page 2: 13 frames (frames 17 & 18 missing); page 3: 15 frames (frames 33 & 39 missing); page 4: 15 frames; page 5: 19 frames; page 6 (half page): 7 frames. No missing frames starting from page 4, but many important frames cut narrower and some onomatopoesia (which were tying one frame to the another) cut on different rows!
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: Prob. partly colored (bad colors!).
Alternatives, [VERS.4]: On last four pages printed in red, instead of black.

![Twilight of the Dogs, 10 pgs [SPA]. Vers. 4](https://i0.wp.com/muuta.net/wp/PgPicts/AllPgPicts/TwilightDogs10pgsSPAcol.jpg?w=1520&ssl=1)
Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 12, 1997. Last updated: July 11, 2019 at 20:16 pm