Thumbnails: | A | Altered Picts | Art Prints | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Figure Gallery |
BW/COL | Style | ||
“I cast his testicles in his face.” A Feast Unknown (1975) | | COL | Overlays | |
“Ice Dragon” The Ice Dragon (1985) | | COL | Painting | |
“I cut once, and the foul head rolled to the stone floor…” Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars (1977) | Keywords: Edgar Rice Burroughs | | BW | Drawing | |
“I lowered him slowly and gently” A Feast Unknown (1975) | | BW | Drawing | |
“Incantation” Den [III] #10 (1989) | | COL | Overlays | |
“In Deep” (B&W) Comic Book Artist #4 (1999) | Eerie #100 (1979) (as “Jaws of Death” ) | | BW | Drawing | |
“In Deep” (color) Creepy #101 (1978) | Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) | [FIN] Shokki [II] tekijänä Richard Corben #2 (2014) | [FRA] Profondeurs (1978) | [ITA] Collana Umanoidi #9: Notti bianche (1983) | [NL] Richard Corben [NL] #2: Diepten (1981) | [SPA] El extraordinario mundo de Richard Corben #2 (1981) | Famosos “Monsters” del cine #22 (1977) | Zona Cómic Vol. 1 #1 | | COL | Overlays | |
“Indian Evening” Airbrush Action vol. IX, #1 (1993) | Art Print (1986) | Richard Corben Collector Card #68 (1993) | Richard Corben Art Book #2 (1994) | A Cry of Angry thunder | Original: 1984. 30″x20″ oil painting over acrylic. Art Print. [artbook2p56] | COL | Painting Oil Acrylic | |
“Infected” (for the cover story “Terminated”) Twisted Tales #5 (1983) | Richard Corben Art Book #2 (1994) | Original: 1983. 10″x10″ markers and gray pencils colored by overlay. [artbook2p40] | COL | Overlays | |
“An Innsmouth Fishwife” H.P.L./ A Tribute to Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1972) | | BW | Drawing | |
“Inside Photon Table of Contents [Vamire and Bat]” Photon #18 (1969/1970) | | BW | Drawing | |
“Inside Photon Table of Contents [Zombie Walking]” Photon #20 (1971) | | BW | Drawing | |
“In a single bound I cleared the table and the diners…” (BW) Graphic Collectibles #3 (1984) | Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars (1977) | Keywords: Edgar Rice Burroughs | | BW | Drawing | |
“In a single bound I cleared the table and the diners…” (color) Thuvia, a Maid of Mars | Keywords: Edgar Rice Burroughs | | BW | Overlays | |
“Invaders of the Planet Earth” Invaders of the Planet Earth (1987) | | COL | Painting | |
“I turned to her and kissed her lips.” A Feast Unknown (1975) | | BW | Drawing |
Thumbnails: | A | Altered Picts | Art Prints | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Figure Gallery |
Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 25, 2008. Last updated: June 25, 2022 at 17:09 pm