
Flights into Fantasy
Flights into Fantasy, pages:
| Flights into the Trials | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150 | 151 | 152 | 153 | 154 | 155 | 156 | 157 | 158 | 159 | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 175 | 176 | 177 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 184 | 185 | 186 | 187 | 188 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192 | 193 | 194 | 195 | 196 | 197 | 198 | 199 | 200 |
Flights into Fantasy aka Vols fantastiques [FRA] aka Flüge im die Fantasie [GER] aka Vuelo a la fantasia [SPA]
Jan. (?) 1981. By Fershid Bharucha, ed. Neptune. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Thumb Tack Books (In USA). Toutain, Barcelona (in Spain). 200 pgs. (several identical volumes, in French under name Vols Fantastiques, in German Fluge in der Fantasie, and in Spain Vuelo a la fantasia). [id,bob,ober,nix,msu]
- Fershid Bharucha: The Trials and Tribulations that led up to the Publication of Flights into Fantasy.
“Biosphere” [PICT].
Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color. Dustjacket. Printed also on pgs 132-133 of this book. [ALTERVERS]
“Support Fantagor #2: Space Runabout” [inside back cover of Fantagor #1 (1970)] [PICT].
Inside Covers. Art-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Speaker under the Moon” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 3. a/r[Squa Tront #4 (1970)]-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“Contents Page” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 5. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W. Contents page.
Headline (SPA): Sumario.
Chapter 1: The Corbens of Kansas City. Pg 6. Text.
(SPA: Los Corben de Kansas City)
“Self Portrait, As Gore” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 6. a/r[Anthology of Slow Death (1975)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Self Portrait, Crewcut” (SPA: Autorretratos) [PICT].
1 pict: pg 6. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Pg 7: A collage of 17 photos of Richard Corben in different ages.
Pg 8: An excerpt from the story “The Rats in the Walls”; page 7, middle frame, 2/3 framed out. B&W. [SYNOPSIS]
Zine’n’things being a potpourri of great stuff
(SPA: Magazines y otras cosas amplia muestra de una gran producción)
“His Master’s Voice” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 9. a/r[CI-card #8, art2, pg 5]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
“Rowlf Wraparound A”[cover of Voice of Comicdom #16 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 10, top. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Rowlf Wraparound B” [cover of Voice of Comicdom #17(1971)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 10, bottom. a-Richard Corben. Color.
Caption (SPA): Sobrecubiertas a todo color para las aventuras de ROWLF.
“Werewolf Battle” [cover of Infinity #4 (1972)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 11, top left. a-Richard Corben (1972). Color.
Caption (SPA): Portadas de fanzines.
“Cyclops [VERS.1]” [cover of Rocker Blast Comic Collector #83 (1971), CI-card #87, art2, pg 12] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 11, top right. a-Richard Corben (1969). Color. [ALTERVERS]
“Support Fantagor #1: On Guard” [inside back cover of Fantagor #1 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 11, bottom. a-Richard Corben (1970s). Color.
Caption (SPA): The Support Fantagor Poster. Poster de FANTAGOR.
“The Ape Man” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 12. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (FRA): “L’Homme-Singe”
Caption (SPA): El “Hombre-Mono”.
“The Corbou Girl” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 13. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (FRA): “La Corbou-Girl”
Caption (SPA): La “Chica Corbou”.
“Beetle Battle” Unpublished. [PICT].
1 pict: pg 14. a-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada.
“Cavemen Battle” Unpublished.
1 pict: pg 15. a-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color. In 2004, still unpublished in the U.S.A.; only existing reprint in France, front cover of L’Echo des savanes spécial U.S.A. #21 (1981).
Caption (SPA): Portada.
“Cyan Dream [VERS.1]” [cover of Fantagor #2 (1972), CI-card #29] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 16. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color. [ALTERVERS].
Caption (SPA): Portada para FANTAGOR.
“Tars Tarkas with Sword and Pistol” [poster] [back cover of ERBdom #28 (1969)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 17. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Un poster.
“Gurgy Tate”
1 photo of sculpture: pg 18, top left. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den’s Flying Kick”
1 photo of sculpture: pg 18, top right. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Reclining Nude”
1 photo of sculpture: pg 18, mid left. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den’s Head”
1 photo of sculpture: pg 18, mid right. a-Richard Corben. Color.
1 photo of model: pg 18, bottom left. a-Richard Corben. Color.
1 photo of sculpture: pg 18, bottom right. a-Richard Corben. Color.
Caption (SPA): Corben en 3-D.
“The Cat Girl [VERS.1]” Unpublished. [PICT].
1 pict: pg 19. a/r[VERS.1: CI-card #27, art2, pg 30, VERS.2: art2, pg 31]-Richard Corben (1980). Full pager. Color. [ALTERVERS].
Caption: …too voluptuous.
Caption (SPA): Calificada por una editora como “demasiado voluptuosa”. Sin Publicar.
“Den and Kath Fly” [European version] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 20. a-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Ilustración para las ediciones europeas de DEN.
“The Odd Comic World of Richard Corben” [cover of The Odd Comic World of Richard Corben (1977)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 21. a-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para THE ODD WORLD OF RICHARD CORBEN. [Pay attention, word “Comic” is missing.]
“Worship” [cover of Bizarre Sex #6 (1977)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 22. a-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para BIZARRE SEX.
“The Worm-God [VERS.1]” [cover of Bizarre Sex #5 (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 23. a-Richard Corben (1976). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para BIZARRE SEX.
“Gurgy Tate, Horrilor, Fantagor, Uk & Friend” [cover of Richard Corben’s Funny Book (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 24. a-Richard Corben (1975). Full pager. Color.
“Duel of the Titans” [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 25. s-Barrett. a/r[Squa Tront #4 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W. Comic story.
Chapter 2: Fanzines for Fun and Profit. Pgs 26, 28. Text.
(SPA: Fanzines como distraccion y negocio)
“Help a starving fanzine editor!!!” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 26. a-Richard Corben. Without art prints. B&W.
“A Gorilla With Wings” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 27. a/r[CI-card #P1ob, art2, pg 23]-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“Demons Sparring” (mailer cover of Voice of Comicdom) [PICT].
1 pict: pg 28. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Caption (SPA): Diseno para un sobre de cartas.
“Daemon” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 29. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“The Lure of the Tower” [SYNOPSIS].
8 pgs: pgs 30-37. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Comic story.
Chapter 3: The Kid Can Really Draw. Pg 38. Text.
“Get Trail Comics” (poster)
1 pict: pg 38. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Knights and Ladies” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 38. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Caption (SPA): Antiguo boceto a la acuarela.
“My poor tortured darling …” (4 small page excerpts)
4 excerpts: pg 39. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Early comic story.
Caption: The kid could really draw!
Caption (SPA): Es innegable que el chico sabía dibujar…
“He is returning! He must be disposed of” (1 page excerpt)
1 excerpt: pg 40. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Early comic story.
Caption: Finding his own style… part of an incomplete story.
Caption (SPA): En busca de un estilo propio. Parte de una historia inacabada.
“There lived in Dunglot a famous surgeon” (4 small page excerpts)
4 excerpts: pg 41. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Storyboard.
Caption: Storyboard in comic format for a film that never was.
Caption (SPA): Storyboard en forma de cómic de una película que no llegó a hacerse.
Chapter 4: Neverwhere, the Movie. Pgs 42, 44. Text.
(SPA: Neverwhere, la película)
“Fantastic Castle [VERS.2]” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 42. a-Richard Corben (1975). Later screened version of the original movie excerpt (see pg 44). B&W.
Pg 43: 6 photos. B&W.
Captions: “Finkenstein”, and “The search for the golden mold”.
“Neverwhere [4 frames from animated film]”
4 frames: pg 44. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Fantastic Castle [VERS.1]” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 44 (top left). a-Richard Corben. The original excerpt from Neverwhere [the Movie] (1968) (see also pg 42). B&W.
“Pterodactyl with Prey” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 44 (top right). a-Richard Corben. Excerpt from Neverwhere [the Movie] (1968). B&W.
Pg 45: 6 photos. B&W.
Captions: “Return of the Box”, and “Mondo Amore”.
“Dead Hill” [SYNOPSIS].
6 pgs: pgs 46-51. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Comic story.
Chapter 5: The Rise and the Decline of the Underground Comix. Pgs 52, 54-56. Text.
(SPA: La ascension yh caida del comic underground)
“Native with earring” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 52. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“In Space” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 52. a-Richard Corben. B&W
“Skull Asteroid” [cover of Rocket Blast Comic Collector #81 (1971)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 53. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“Sola” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 54. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Planetary Geographic” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 55. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Monster’s Lunch” [cover of Fan Informer #27 (1971?)] [PICT]1 pict: pg 56. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
A Comix Sampler (SPA: Muestra de comics):
“Cidopey” (excerpt, first page) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 57. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Tarzan: “Chance Meeting! [VERS.2]” [SYNOPSIS].
2 pgs: pgs 58-59. s/a-Richard Corben (1974). B&W. Comic story.
On pg 2 farest upper right corner the knife of Tarzan (and a trail of blood) goes out of panel. In this version everything out of panel (in a margin) is cut off.
“Den Fights Red Queen’s Horde” [from Neverwhere (1978)] (excerpt, pgs 33, the opening page of chapter 5, unpulished) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 60. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Caption (SPA): Página inédita de DEN.
“Den Fights Dramites” [sneak preview from Den II (1984)] (excerpt, pg 13) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 61. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Caption (SPA): DEN II, un boceto previo.
“Bloodstar” (excerpt, pg 13) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 62. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
“Mutant World” (excerpt, pg 37) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 63. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Caption (SPA): Nueva página para la edición del libro MUNDO MUTANTE.
“Doomscult” (excerpt, pg 10) [SYNOPSIS].
1 pg: pg 64. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Caption (SPA): Del fumetti DOOMSCULT.
“The Spirit of the Beast” [SYNOPSIS].
8 pgs: pgs 65-72. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Survivors of the Suicide World, Episode 3: “A Brief Encounter at War [VERS.1]” [SYNOPSIS].
11 pgs: pgs 73-83. s/a-Richard Corben (1971). B&W. Comic story.
“Monsters Rule” [SYNOPSIS].
8 pgs: pgs 84-91. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W. Comic story.
Chapter 6: The Leans Years or You can’t keep a good man down. Pg 92, 94. Text.
(SPA: Los anos de las vacas flacas, o no se puede detener a quien es bueno)
“Nude Woman” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 92. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“His Outflung Hand Struck…” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 93. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“Lizardman’s Lunch” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 94. a/r[art2, pg 64]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Curse of the Monolith” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 95. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
Chapter 7: Reclining Nude. Pg 96. Text.
(SPA: Desnudo recostado)
Pg 96: 1 photo of sculpture of sitting woman
Ph 97: 8 photos of sculptures (ape, baldguy, snake and three sculptures of charecters with comparing drawn pict – Demon king from “Rowlf”, saleman from “Arabian Nights” (?), Gel from “Den [I]”, Dimento from “Mutant World”)
Pg 98: 3 photos of sculptures (kind of frog, one of Den sculptures and a close-up of a face)
Pg 99: 3 photos of sculptures (ghoul, Scon’s face and an evil wizard standing behind half nude girl)
Pg 100: 1 photo of rubber face mask (creature from movie Finkenstein (1966))
“Voluptas” [SYNOPSIS].
3 pgs: pgs 101-103. s/a-Richard Corben. Color. Comic story.
Chapter 8: Oil on Canvas. Pg 104. Text.
(SPA: Lienzos al oleo)
“Castle Girl” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 104. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Den & Now. A Portfolio of work, past and recent. Pg 105.
(SPA: Den y ahora, Un portafolio de su obra pasada y reciente):
“Den and Kath in Gateway” [Frontispiece of Neverwhere [Ariel] (1978)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 105. a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Deathworld Trilogy” [cover of Deathworld Trilogy] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 107. a-Richard Corben (1974). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para A FEAST UNKNOWN. [Pay attention wrong caption, ought to be DEATHWORLD TRILOGY.]
“A Feast Unknown” [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 108-109 (spread). a-Richard Corben. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para A FEAST UNKNOWN.
“We Stood Side by Side and Faced Anana Across the Table” [facing pg 160 of A Feast Unknown (1975)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 111. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Illustracion interior para A FEAST UNKNOWN.
“Getting onto the lion’s back requires very swift movements” [facing pg 48 of A Feast Unknown (1975)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 113. a/r[CI-card #30]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Illustracion interior para A FEAST UNKNOWN.
“My Feet Went From Under Me” [facing pg 176 of A Feast Unknown (1975)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 115. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Illustracion interior para A FEAST UNKNOWN.
“Robot Worm” [cover of Ox (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 116-117 (spread). a/r[CI-card #67, art2, pgs 8-9]-Richard Corben (1976). Color.
Caption (SPA): OX (Doubleday).
“The Room Was a Babel of Screams and Chaos” [facing pg 240 of A Feast Unknown (1975) [PICT].
1 pict: pg 119. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Illustracion interior para A FEAST UNKNOWN.
“Cosmic Monster” [cover of The 1977 Annual World’s Best SF] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 121. a/r[CI-card #33, art2, pg 22]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): WORLD’S BEST SF (Doubleday).
“Abominable Snowman” [cover of The Best of Fredric Brown (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 123. a/r[CI-card #9]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE BEST OF FREDRIC BROWN (Doubleday).
“Thark Battle” [cover of Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 124-125 (spread). a-Richard Corben (1977). Color.
“Dino Hunter” [cover of The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1977)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 127. a/r[CI-card #72]-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE BEST OF L. SPRAGUE DE CAMP (Doubleday).
“Retard” [cover of The 1977 Annual World’s Best SF] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 129. a-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE BEST OF SF 1977 (Doubleday).
“Midworld” [cover of Midworld (1975)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 131. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): MIDWORLD (Doubleday).
“Biosphere” [“Hidalgo’s Beard” altered version] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 132-133 (spread). a/r[art2, pg 24-25]-Richard Corben (1981). Color. Printed also as the cover of this book. [ALTERPICT].
Caption (SPA): HIDALGO’S BEARD (version modificada).
“Neverwhere [American]” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 135. a-Richard Corben (1977). Color.
“Bloodstar” [cover of Bloodstar (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 137. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): BLOODSTAR (Morning Star).
“Neverwhere [European]” [cover of European editions of Den] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 139. a-Richard Corben (1978). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada de las ediciones europeas de DEN.
“The Dweller in the Dark” [cover of Hot Stuf’ #3 (1976)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 141. a/r[CI-card #21]-Richard Corben (1976). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE DWELLER IN THE DARK (Hot Stuf’).
“Chard’s Dragon” [cover of Hot Stuf’ #5 (1977)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 143. a-Richard Corben (1977). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): CHARD (Hot Stuf’).
“Midnight Battle” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 145. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
“Anticipation” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 147. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): ANTICIPATION (Sal Q).
“Rowlf [European]” [cover of Complete Works, Book 3 (1987)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 149. a-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada de las ediciones europeas de ROWLF.
“Fall of The House of Usher” [cover of Edgar Allen Poe (1985)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 151. a-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para una antologia de EDGAR ALLA POE.
“Planet Busters” [cover of 1979 Heavy Metal Calendar (1978)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 153. a/r[CI-card #40, art2, pg 35]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Calendario para HEAVY METAL.
“A Night on Bald Mountain” [cover of Heavy Metal #28 (1979)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 155. a/r[CI-card #7]-Richard Corben, Rick Courtney (1979). Full pager. Color. [ALTERPICT].
Caption (SPA): Portada para HEAVY METAL (en colaboracion con rick courtney). [“Rick Courtney” written in small letter, sic.]
“Blood’s a Rover” [from Blood’s a Rover] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 156-157 (spread). a/r[CI-card #89]-Richard Corben (1980). Color.
Caption (SPA): BLOOD’S A ROVER (Ace).
“New Tales of the Arabian Nights” [cover of New Tales of the Arabian Nights (1979)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 159. a/r[CI-card #34]-Richard Corben (1978). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): NEW TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS (Simbad en la Tierra del Genio), Heavy Metal.
“A Planet Called Treason” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 161. a-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
“The Slave Girl [VERS.1]“ [cover of The Wizard of Anharitte] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 163. a/r[VERS.1: art2, pg 28, VERS.2: CI-card #71, art2, pg 29]-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color. [ALTERPICT].
“Bat out of Hell” [cover of Meatloaf: Bat out of Hell (1977)] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 164-165 (spread). a-Richard Corben. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada para el disco BAT OUT OF HELL, de Metal Loaf (Discos Columbia).
“Robots Gang Up” [cover of The Penultimate Truth] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 167. a/r[CI-card #P3, art2, pg 10]-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
“West of the Sun” [cover of West of the Sun] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 169. a/r[CI-card #56]-Richard Corben (1979). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): WEST OF THE SUN (Dell).
“The Prodigal” [cover of The Space Prodigal (1981)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 171. a-Richard Corben (1980). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE PRODIGAL (Dell).
“Bad For Good” [cover of Jim Steinman: Bad For Good (1981)] [PICT].
1 pict: pgs 172-173 (spread). a-Richard Corben (1981). Color.
Caption (SPA): Jim Steinman, BAD FOR GOOD (Discos Columbia).
“The Three Graces” [unused cover of The Ophiuchi Hotline] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 175. a-Richard Corben (1981). Full pager. Color.
“The Snow Creature” [cover of The Flashing Swords #5: Parting Gifts] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 177. a/r[CI-card #P2]-Richard Corben (1981). Full pager. Color.
“The Point Man” [cover of The Point Man (1981)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 179. a-Richard Corben (1981). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): THE POINT MAN (Dell).
“Fireship” [“Jovian Blue Girl” with a baby] [cover of Fireship (1981)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 181. a/r[art2, pg 49]-Richard Corben (1981). Full pager. Color. [ALTERPICT].
Caption (SPA): FIRESHIP (Dell).
“Den, Triumphant” [poster for Heavy Metal The Movie] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 183. a-Richard Corben (1981). Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Poster para la pelicula HEAVY METAL (Columbia Pictures).
“Mutant Bear” [cover of Mutant World (1983)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 184. a/r[CI-card #P5]-Richard Corben. Full pager. Color.
Caption (SPA): Portada del libero MUNDO MUTANTE.
Chapter 9: …The More They Like Your Technique! Pg 185-186. Text.
(SPA: Los secretos de su techinca)
Pg 185, up: photo of “Mutant World”, Caption: Base art with cyan overlay (90%).Pg 185, down: photo of “Mutant World”, Caption: …with first two cyan overlay (60%).Pg 186, up: photo of “Mutant World”, Caption: …with third cyan overlay (40%).Pg 186, down: photo of “Mutant World”, Caption: …with last cyan overlay (20%).
“Mutant World” 1 pict: pg 187. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
Caption: Complete cyan filter after camera work.
Caption (SPA): La película de azul una vez terminada.
Chapter 10: …But, Is It Art? or Why Did Vincent Wear a Hearing Aid? Pg 188, 190. Text.
(SPA: Pero, ¿Se trata de arte?)
“Den before Den … An early business Card” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 188. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Caption (SPA): Un Den anterior a DEN. Antigua tarjeta de visita comercial.
“Alien Measuring Human Skull” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 189 a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“John Carter Kicks” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 190. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“Den Kicks” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 190. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Demon’s Breath” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 191. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
Chapter 11: Who Are All These People… – And Why Are They Saying These Things About Me? Pgs 192-194, 196. Text.
(SPA: ¿Quienes son esa gente y por qué hablan tan bien de mi?)
“Vampire with Two Handfulls” [Photon #19 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 192, top right. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Dracula [Lon Chaney Jr]” [Photon #19 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 192, bottom left. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Pg 192: “A Phenomenon” (SPA: “Un fenómeno”), by Neal Adams; “A Monumental Achievement” (SPA: “Una proeze monumental”), by Will Eisner
“Frankly Speaking” [editorial masterhead for Photon #19–#24] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 193. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Just As Saranov Raised His Weapon…” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 193. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
There is NO this pict in Spanish edition (see Fernández text bellow)!
Pg 193: “My Corben Story” (SPA: “Mi historia de Corben”), by Berni Wrightson; [this text was prob. only in Spanish print, occuping the place of “Just As Saranov Raised His Weapon…” (SPA: “Volume y movimiento”), by Fernando Fernández]; “A Heady Experience” (SPA: “Una experiencia embriagadora”), by Jan S. Strand
“Vampire Staked From Behind” [Photon #19 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 194. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Self Portrait Caricature, Smiling” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 194. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Caption (SPA): Autorretrato para las Series Pinback Jack de Famous Cartoonist Buttons.
Pg 194: “The Art of the 20th Century” (SPA: “El arte del siglo xx”), by Philippe Druillet; “Musclemen, Big-Bosomed Females & Repulsive Creatures” (SPA: “Hombres musculosos, mujeres pechugonas y criatures repulsivas”), by Denis Kitchen
“Flying Swordsman” [PICT].
1 pict: pg 195. a-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
“‘Curse Of Frankenstein’ Monster” [Photon #19 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 196. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Pg 196: “A Truly Dangerous Man” (SPA: “Un hombre realmente peligroso”), by Bruce Jones; “A Giant” (SPA: “Un gigante”), by Victor de la Fuente; “A Challenge” (SPA: “Un desafio”), by Moebius
“Fiend with Talons” [cover of Mount to the Stars #2 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 197. a/r[CI-card #P2ob, Collage #9 (1971), Battle Flag #6 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Full pager. B&W.
Chapter 12: But That’s Entertainment! Pg 198, 200. Text.
(SPA: Esto es espectaculo – Damos las gracias…)
“Dracula [Chris Lee] Carrying Female” [Photon #19 (1970)] [PICT].
1 pict: pg 198. a-Richard Corben. B&W.
Pg 199: full page photo of Richard Corben. B&W.
Acknowledgements. Pg 200. Text.
The Princess and the Frog Hippie (excerpt where Princess kisses prince) [PICT].
1 pict: pg 200. a-Richard Corben. B&W. Cartoon.
The Princess and the Frog Hippie (excerpt where Princess kisses frog)
1 pict: pg 200. a-Richard Corben. B&W. Cartoon.
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 2, 2002. Last updated: April 11, 2021 at 6:08 am