Hellboy: “Hellboy in Mexico (Or, a Drunken Blur)” aka “Camazotz“
32 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Hellboy #46: Hellboy in Mexico (Or, a Drunken Blur) (2010). Reprinted in Hellboy Vol. 11: The Bride of Hell and Others [TB] (2011) and Hellboy [Library Edition] Vol. 6 (2013).
Story: Mike Mignola. Art: Richard Corben. Color: Dave Stewart.
Spain [SPA]: as “Hellboy [SPA]: Hellboy in Mexico (Or, a Drunken Blur) [SPA]” in Hellboy [SPA]#16: La novia del infierno y otras historias.
Style: Black line with colors. Genre: Super Hero. Time Span: Fantasy/Near past. Nudity: One half naked vampiress.
Original Art Plate: All are drawn in Sharpie and Pigma pen and graphite pencil on 11″ x 17″ Strathmore bristol paper. [CorbencomicartCom]
Keywords: Hellboy. Mexico. Desert. Wrestling. Memories. Virgin Mary. Demon. Vampires. Camazotz.
Synopsis: Hellboy is on a mission in Mexico 1982. They tumble on a cottage which brings memories of Hellboy’s past back in 1956. A group of quite silent wrestlers’ve got a vison from Virgin Mary and they started to fight with Hellboy against demonic vampires.
Comment: The story was pretty graphical and there’s not much to talk about. Many things happened briefly because of short telling space. I liked a lot the frame story, since it did not explain anything what happened before; where Hellboy and insides of trunk were coming from. The action was loaded in the end of the story and the very end was left open as well. Graphically story was brilliant. If the script was not that memorable, the demon and his vampires were a lot. See also the sequel for the story, Hellboy: “House of the Living Dead”.
Extra: This story is called as Hellboy: “Camazotz” on Corben’s own web site.

Copyright © 2010 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 1, 2010. Last updated: July 1, 2019 at 20:59 pm