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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

DenSaga Epilogue #4: “The Light at the End of the Tunnel”

DenSaga Epilogue #4: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

4+4 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Heavy Metal #149 (1994). Reprint [COLOR] in DenSaga #4 (1994).
Story/Art: Richard Corben (printed sign © 1993 Richard Corben). Color: Richard & Beth Corben. Lettering: printed (Corben).

France [FRA]: as “La lumière au fond du tunnel” in Den: La quête Tome 2.
Germany [GER]: as “Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels” in Die phantastische Welt des Richard Corben #11 (1994).
Spain [SPA]: as “La luz al final del túnel” in Top cómics #10.

Style: Full color. Genre: Fantasy. Time Span: Ancient fantasy. Nudity:Full frontal nudity, both males and females.
Keywords: Escape. Hydra. Diving. Treasure.
Synopsis: Bog frees Den. On the way they find Hydra and deep water.
Comment: A sexual abuse of Den reaches it’s end. Beth Corben is again as a co-colorist. Story of Corben’s own is poor (four extra pages do not give anything new for story), and colors have somehow lost their quality (specially on pages three to six). The love making scene on first page is extremely brilliant. Heavy Metal version has shorter story (there is no pages four to seven, except last row of frames of sixth page are on place of last row of thrid page). On first page all balloons and text boxes are radically in different places and logo totally different. On second page there is an interesting experimental technique: extranarrow frames (here letters) side by side to tighten tension. He uses similar technique in “A Sound of Thunder”.

DenSaga Epilogue #4: The Light at the End of the Tunnel, 4 pgs (HM vers.)
DenSaga Epilogue #4: The Light at the End of the Tunnel, 8 pgs

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 7, 1997. Last updated: May 30, 2019 at 7:28 am
